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Greenstone – Swamp Fire – Sleeping Village

24 februari 2024 20:00

Het is alweer even geleden dat we een dikke stoneravond hadden in Walhalla. Maar 24 februari kan je lekker wegspacen op instrumentale muziek.

Instrumentale stonerrock uit Arnhem. Greenstone mixt snelle en zware riffs met psychedelic vibes. Check ze hier!

Swamp fire
Ook Swamp Fire is een instrumentale stonerband. Sinds 2020 maakt deze band uit Hengelo dikke doomende riffs.

Sleeping Village
Sleeping Village is the solo version of Gulls of Rot. It is a newly-formed project, created mainly from the need of exposure, to test the players ability to create a narrative through ambience, riffing, rhythmical patterns, without the assistance of drums. Through his limitations, the player will eventually come across to discover different ways of building up layers and create sonic landscapes that derive its roots from free improvisation, psychedelia and the Doom sound of bands such as Electric Wizard, Sleep, Black Sabbath.


24 februari 2024

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